The recently concluded 22nd Salvage and Wreck conference in December, saw the traditional gathering of marine casualty and salvage industry leaders to discuss the state of the industry and the challenges being faced.
One of the major points of discussion was how new approaches and emerging technologies can help solve problems in salvage and wreck removals, in particular for project risk assessments and management.
To demonstrate our recent experiences and developments in digital technology, our Lead Digital Consultant Mark Lawrence, gave a very interesting presentation on how the use of 3-D high resolution data can increase certainty in salvage and wreck removal cases. The presentation offered delegates an insight into the use and application of 3-D high-resolution surveys, to enhance understanding of the problem from the earliest stages in the project and how the data reduces the unknowns when developing methodologies and costings.
Delegates were treated to viewing life-size wrecks in Virtual Reality during the presentation and at our stand, which enabled them to walk through a wreck site and view areas that would not be easily accessible or visible in an ordinary dive. Our experience is that even for casualties in shallow and clear weather conditions, dive surveys can be limited, which then gives an incomplete assessment of the condition of the casualty. Using our 3-D data acquisition and modelling techniques to create high resolution point cloud and rendered digital models, allows an in-depth analysis of the casualty, turning complex data sets into visual and simple formats that can be viewed by all parties and stakeholders involved, anytime, anywhere.
We have successfully used this technology in a number of salvage and wreck removal cases, including a unique survey of the World War II tanker, the RFA WAR MEHTAR, to assess the risk of oil pollution. The technology can also be used in a range of applications, including the search and recovery of lost cargo, such as containers. We have also successfully applied the technology to the collation of wreck data for inclusion in ITT’s to ensure that all bidders have common data.
Waves Group’s 3-D data acquisition technology provides the marine casualty industry with practical methods for risk management on salvage and wreck removal projects to increase the certainty of a favourable outcome.
Waves Group is a leading shipping and engineering consultancy which offers expert casualty response management advice and other offshore engineering and marine services. For further information about our 3-D high-resolution subsea surveys and salvage and wreck expertise, please contact [email protected] or telephone our 24/7 emergency response team on +44 (0) 20 7083 7266.